Monday, December 3, 2012

I.D., I think we have the goods. This week?

Medical records; printed out the paper work.

Anemia Research; pending.

The Move; car [sell], fridge [sell], washer/drier [sell], kiln [sell]. All 'sells' that don't sell give away.
     Furniture, just enough to fill a studio apartment.
     Cloths; take all
     Effects [art, small bedroom & kitchen stuff]; ?
     Truck, hire Craiglsist labor, store [three months max]


  1. What goods do we have for the ID? Have you found the birth record? Have you received 2 letters from approved sources?

    Hypothyroidism is a cause of Macrocytic Anemia....curious.

    The move - why do we need help? If anything we hire John. Lets move the stuff closer to us...Lets run posts on CL South Bend prior to move date....sell it there hopefully.

  2. I printed out the DMV requirements; we have here In DL [1], she claims she has her Birth Cert, and I forget the third thing [I'm at work].

    The move, sometime in January, you're right. We can do it easily. Just the question of Bernie being there or not. CL is a good idea. Have John handle the nitty gritty. we just talked.

  3. Assuming the anemia is caused by the hypo, Maybe B 12 supplements would help her red blood cells bounce back faster.
